Monday, September 11, 2006

01 - The Journals of Gaylord Humpwarden

Day 1
New journal! Yay! Starting a new expedition.

Day 377
Found the journal under my desk drawer.

Note to self: Get supplies and equipment first BEFORE getting journals.

Day 383
Wrote a couple of requests for mages and healers for my expedition. Sent them to the Academy this morning. Don't really like having old men with long beards and pointy hats around but I think I should have them along.

I remember what happened in the last expedition. Will never see spoons the same way again... Anyway, no good in dwelling in the past. Wonder what I'll have for dinner.

Day 390
The Academy sent young people! And the two healers are girls! I didn't know there were young people learning magic. Always thought they started as old men with long beards and pointy hats.

Still... they will eventually become old men with long beards and pointy hats.

They sent a Knight with those three too. Could use an extra sword.

I hired a few extra muscles too, just in case. Some gunner, a Grour blacksmith and a mecha archaeologist (love those mechs).

Note to self: Got to get one of those cool bikes the Knight was using when I get back.

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