Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Destinies of Elements Omake 003 [Edit 09/07/2006]

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Yep, I'm trying out new styles. These are two separate scenes that happened to... a friend :-" (a friend who played a blonde half-orc) in the campaign. I just combined the two scenes together (the scenes where he went to look for a job and when he met a... guard who's proud of his sexual direction).

[Edit 09/07/2006]
I edited the image. It's a guy demmit! Xp


EwA said...

I've showed this to a number of my colleagues, and all of them agreed that it looked like a "girl clerk" trying to seduce the half-orc.

( ._.)Ø

hreaper said...

Hmm... next time, more manly.

Jad [Alt] Kaizer said...

Add stubble - it does the trick.