Druids for the Ethical and Humane Treatment of Animals (DEHTA) have made a public service announcement regarding saving the creatures known as the murloc.
See the abuse these hapless creatures had to endure under evil adventurers looking for phat lewt. Not only are their properties taken, their body parts are also being sold as a delicacy.
All around Azeroth, no tribe is spared by these merciless hunters for no matter where they are, these adventurers always managed to find them. But with our help, these wonderful creatures can be saved.
All around Azeroth, no tribe is spared by these merciless hunters for no matter where they are, these adventurers always managed to find them. But with our help, these wonderful creatures can be saved.
Lets do our part and help the "Save the Murloc Foundation". And together, we CAN make a difference.
WoWWiki: Murloc
WoWWiki: D.E.H.T.A.