Thursday, May 20, 2010

Real War Machine Suit

You know, one of my main motivations for watching Iron Man is the suit. Something about a mech-like suit that is hard to scratch and have the weaponry of a whole army gives me the chills of excitement.

You don't see suits like that outside movies or games... until now.

Anthony Le, 25 took one month and $4,000 to create an actual working (sort of ) War Machine suit. The faceplate can move up and down and the shoulder-mounted minigun spins when a button on the glove is pressed. Though no real weapons are attached, the gun could be converted to fire paintballs.

The rest of the article could be found at Popular Mechanics.

Iron Man Movie 2

Monday, May 17, 2010

Today I Die

This is a beautiful little flash game by Daniel Benmergui. There's no instructions for the player, just simple words and the ability to click and drag things on the screen.

Simple as this game may be, its is heavy with symbolic meaning. I find it very touching.

I can't really tell much about it without giving spoilers as it would ruin the whole experience. So, I would like to suggest that everyone should give it a try.