Saturday, October 21, 2006

05 - Destinies of the Elements omake

Finally, what you've all been waiting for!
(Yeah right.)
Direct link to image: Destinies of the Elements 005 by ~hreaper on deviantART

While Arkh was in Tenshinron's Tavern, he met Kaede and bought him a drink. He took one sip of it and then was KO for awhile. Arkh had to drag him up to his room. <_<

I decided to create a Deviantart account. Thought I'd try it out.


*~Mewwie~* said...

WOooooo It's meeeeeee... Lookie there.. Me??! So cute~ KAWAiiiiiii~ WAHAHaa.. *Blushes*

EwA said...

Where's the "You a Priest?" by Kaede;
and Arkh says "how you know?"
which Kaede reply "from that big holy symbol around your neck"

I love that scene :D

hreaper said...

Don't spoil everything. :p

Anonymous said...

"The animals will hear!" bellowed the ear licking penguin as the awesomely endowed midget carressed her oozing..." Oh wait. Wrong window. =_=