Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blog Updates - Sidebar at the bottom of the page fix

I've managed to fix the problem of the blog's sidebar being placed at the bottom of the page. Apparently, it's caused by the Jump Break in Blogger's new layout.

The Jump Break button inserts a
<!-- more -->

tag to indicate that the rest of the post is hidden and can be expanded to view the rest.

The problem happens when the tag is inserted between a <div..> and </div> tag pair. It causes the sidebar to be thrown at the bottom.

Also, I managed to add a third sidebar on the left for my profile and the Labels. Which I think is pretty cool. It also leaves me more space to put my more frequently used links on the right.

1 comment:

Nimo said...

OMG thank you THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS much for that! I was going crazy trying to figure out html codes and whatnot as recommended by other expert bloggers, but the 'jump break' was the issue. Its not worth it if its going to cause the problem. I'm just going to switch to a Sretch template :)
Thanks again-problem solved!