Friday, March 23, 2007

No Updates for Awhile

Yes, I'm late.
No, there's no new updates for now (well, except for this).
No, I'm not being lazy.
More like I'm being busy.

I'm working on a doujin (self published mangas) for this year's Comic Fiesta which will be held in December. I had the story up and ready. Now I need to draw and tone them.

Since this is my first doujin, it's taking me quite some time to get the hang of things. I'm learning a lot along the way, such as camera angles, how to emphasize the character's pressence, etc. Learning a lot from using Akamatsu Ken (Negima) and Eiichiro Oda's (One Piece) works. Google Sketchup helps too, and the models on Google Earth helped me to get my camera angles right (I hope).

My first doujin, so I'm doing a story about something which I'm familiar with. Arkh's adventures shortly after the end of the Destinies of the Elements Campaign (which I have yet to finish in the webcomic form in the first place... <_<).

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