Friday, March 23, 2007

GACC 2007 (Games Anime & Comic Circle)

On a side note...

Went to GACC 2007 in MMU Melaka last weekened. A 2 day event in the MMU Melaka Campus. It was so cool! My only disappointment is that there's not enough doujin artists. Found only 2-3 booths selling doujin out of 6 or 7 booths there. I did buy an original doujin made by a trio of girls. Their stories and art needs a lot more work but they put their hearts into it and completed it so, that's an accomplishment.

There was a Character Design Competition which I joined in the first day, though didn't make it beyond the preliminaries. A friend of mine got 3rd though when they announced the winners on Sunday. Then, there's the Cosplay Competition (Individual and Group), PS2 Fighting Game Competition as well as Magic: The Gathering (no-wing got 2nd place, SHOCKING!). To top it off, Mr. Furuya Tohru, a seiyuu from Japan (AN ACTUAL SEIYUU CAME TO MALACCA!) came by on the 2nd day. Gave autographs, had an interview and became the judge for the Group Cosplay Competition.

Here's some videos of some interesting things during the event (not taken by me).

Hare Hare Yukai stage Dance

Here's also some clips of Furuya Tohru. He was kind of short, though that's not a surprise. :)
The first seiyuu (voice actor) to come to Malaysia. Mr. Furuya voice-acted Amuro Ray in the first Gundam as well as Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Kamen in Sailormoon. He mentioned that his favourite character that he voiced would be Kasuga Kyosuke of Kimagure Orange Road. I was lucky to be the few who managed to get Mr. Furuya's signature. He signed mine as "Amuro Ray". :D

Interview With Furuya Tohru

The translator had some problems with translating what Mr. Furuya Tohru said. There was one point where he jokingly said, "She cannot translate." at a particular long answer to a question, which drew laughter from the crowd.

Furuya Tohru Performing Some of The Characters He Voiced


EwA said...

He signed as Mamoru Chiba on mine :p

xenobiologista said...

I just remembered you have a blog! No recent update?

sakura said...

almost 1 year d. update! hahahaa