Thursday, December 14, 2006

07 - The Journals of Gaylord Humpwarden

Day 399

Last I checked the clock, it was 3am in the morning. There's no more hacking. Now, I'm kept awake by the noise of the saw. Kleos had the bright idea to use the saw in his kit now.

Sawing stopped at 6am. Now, finally, sleeeeeee~~~~...

Woke up at 8, still a little bleary eyed but we need to get out of the forest now. Amazing that there was no danger to us last night. All those wild animals must've been scared off by the sawing.

Render has gone around smashing the windows of all the buildings in this encampment. Why? I have no idea.

Our prisoner escaped and torched some of the evidence before impaling himself on one of the blades Kleos left in the clearing. How he escaped? It's due to SOMEONE not keeping a close eye on him. I wont point fingers, but the guy guarding him was busy having fun smashing windows.

After a few hours of tiring trek, with Kleos and Joe dragging the two blades through the underbrush, we finally reached the militia encampment. Which was fortunate, as they were just about to leave.

They offered us some lunch. Sigel fell asleep again. Some of our kind party members tried to feed him... either that or they're just randomly throwing food at his face.

We grouped up with Alex who came from the opposite direction. Apparently he's reached our parked vehicles first and then decided to come find us. He tossed Sigel along with the baggage and we trudge back to the cars.

We finally reached the vehicles and started our journey back. But somehow... I think we've forgotten something.

JACK! Whatever happened to him!? We've gotta go find him...
After we retrieve the reward from the Mayor, of course.

When we reached the town, we went straight to the Mayor's office (we dropped off the sleeping Sigel, first though). After much negotiations with the Mayor, we managed to get 8000 credits and a carton of 36 bottles of Black Wood wine for the rift fiend's blades and taking care of the assassin encampment.

I wasn't paying much attention, since Alex and Kleos was closing the deal but somehow, I get the impression that the Mayor thinks Kleos is a hero. Hmm... as I recall, he was busy bleeding somewhere while Sigel put the last blow on the rift fiend. Oh, well.

The Mayor said that the papers will be ready in the morning so, now off we go to the town barracks to speak to the Constable about searching for Jack. After that, I think I'll go turn in early. I still feel a little sleepy.


Jad [Alt] Kaizer said...

Render protests :

I dislike complaining, but I have to vent out the annoyance of the sawing that disturbed my moment of peace elsewhere.

Or else, don't blame me for being a hazard to anyone nearby - especially to the one that was tied up, or the other supposedly watching one who fell asleep next to the prisoner.

Smashing windows seemed like the best option, because what's next to it is pants shredding - someone else's pants, of course.

Luna Mairin said...

Asil says:
Seriously G, couldn't you see that me and Celesti were trying to wake Sigel up?

We used food as it 'seemed' like the best way (as no one could resisit food) and we even resorted to plucking one of my feathers to tickle him awake.

By the way... have you forgotten our names ( me and Celesti)?

Just curious...

hreaper said...

Gaylord says -
I didn't want to point fingers at those responsible.