Wednesday, December 27, 2006

07 - Destinies of Elements Omake 007

by ~hreaper on deviantART

Finally, the introduction of another character. Our Fire Druid, George Sarnil.

As you know, a druid is a guardian of nature. They normally like to stay in the groves deep in the forests they guard. Now, why is George a FIRE Druid? I don't really know...

Probably the same reason why Kai Sunreaver's a Chaotic Good blonde half-orc Paladin of Lenelia with blue eyes.

All the previous Destinies of Elements series can be found here.

If you can't access Deviantart due to slow internet speed, you can directly download the file here.


EwA said...

poor kaede >:D

hreaper said...

Everyone will get their turn, don't worry, Fritz. :D

Jad [Alt] Kaizer said...

Someone's still MIA.

Hmm forgot who, but it's got something to do with explosives...

hreaper said...

Don't worry, I didn't forget the most esteemed member of our party.