Tuesday, October 10, 2006

One Piece - Going Merry (Life Size Replica)

How cool is that? A life size replica of a ship in an anime.

The Going Merry is the ship used by the Straw Hat Pirates in One Piece in their travels across East Blue and the Grand Line to find One Piece.

The anime is still on-going and has spawned many games. The show has also suffered mutilation under the hands of 4Kids who owned the license in America.

As quoted in Wikipedia:
"...4Kids has altered some of its titles to the point where they have lost the qualities that originally made them appealing in Japan, by rewriting entire storylines, significantly altering character personalities, and replacing the original background music and themes."


EwA said...

Kewl looking ship.

Anonymous said...

whole body pain...

Anonymous said...

...so, when is 4kids airing Higurashi? <.<