Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Designing UI for Games

The Role of Director in Designing the Halo 2 Interface by David Candland
David Candland of Bungie Studios talks about Adobe Macromedia Director and how he used it to help design the UI for Halo.

I have used Macromedia Director before, and I would have to say that I agree that it would definately help in designing a prototype UI. It's also much safer for you to do some experimentation.

You just test your ideas on Director (don't do too much scripting) and see how it goes. If the idea doesn't work, then you just lose a few days instead of several months if you try out your experiments on the real thing.


EwA said...

I would agree on this.
The game designer (you know Azfar right? XD) in my company used director alot.

It is THE best tool to make prototype UIs.

..that or the UI tool your company is using :p

( ._.)Ø

EwA said...

kewl new buttons